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The Power of Yoga | Exploring Pranāyāma for Health and Vitality

The real power of Yoga lies in the ability to access, nourish and vitalize the concept of Prana. Prana, also called “vital-life-force, ” is the most subtle element of our human construct. This is the reason why many Yogins developed methods and tools to influence Prana in a positive way.

Primary among these methods is Pranayama one of the most important tools in the practice and application of Yoga. The power and potentials of these subtle breathing practices are often underestimated or misunderstood in contemporary times. The Haṭhayogapradīpikā even implies that the state of Yoga can only be achieved through Pranayama and states it as the most fundamental practice in Haṭhayoga. Pr Pranayama āṇāyāma not only aids us to enhance our own personal practice as many believe, but can also be administered for health, vitality and even our spiritual growth.

A deep and practical understanding of these techniques are a very important aspect of every Yoga practitioners education and experience, especially for Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists. Many subtle and intricate details of these practices must also be learnt and experienced under the guidance of a competent teacher in a safe environment. It is for this reason that a series of weekend seminars are offered to serious students of Yoga, who would like to take their learning and practice to the next level.

The seminars will include practical and insightful teachings, and powerful practices that will allow participants to realize the immense benefits of working with Präëa.

The seminars will be conducted by Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, the successor and current lineage holder of the classical Yoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya & TKV Desikachar. He is an acclaimed yoga teacher, yoga therapist, healer and spiritual adviser. Being taught by a senior teacher of a long and established Yoga tradition, participants will certainly find out new ways to explore Pranayama, both in understanding its theory and in experiencing its potentials.

For a detailed schedule and to register, click here>

Later Event: April 20