Garbhini | Yoga for Pregnancy

I found every session of the Garbhini course really fascinating. Covering each stage of pregnancy from preconception to the last semester, it gave me access to both the philosophy and the tools of yoga to inspire and support this special time in a woman’s life. I loved the way each session systematically included not only the physical but also the emotional challenges that can be encountered; and that the tools of yoga we studied included not just asanas but also mantras, meditation and more. I feel I was able to acquire a more integral, rather than partial, perspective on this topic.

Kausthub’s knowledge is vast, to say the least, and his delivery style is extremely articulate – even on Skype. I appreciated the way the calls were managed, with perfect timekeeping, minimal disruptions, and sufficient space for questions from participants.

I would definitely recommend this course to yoga teachers seeking to more skilfully support pregnant students. I also found it very inspiring to take before I became pregnant myself. If you are pregnant or intending to be, I would also definitely recommend Kausthub’s therapy classes to receive customised practices.    

Marie-Gabrielle Amadieu | Yoga Teacher & Integral Master Coach™ | France / Belgium