Reflections on the Seven Cakras

Reflections on the Seven Cakras

The Yogis understood the human body in a very different way, compared to how modern science looks at it. One among this approach is the concept of Cakras. The viewed the Cakras as vital energy centers located at different places in the body, which controlled important functions of the body. Each of the Cakras are located along the spine and each has a specific role in our health and wellbeing, as well as in the expansion of our full potential. 

Although there are some variations found in the classical texts about how many Cakras there are, it is widely acknowledged that there are seven major ones. The appropriate functioning of these seven energy centers was seen as an important focus for most Yogis. So they designed very specific practices including Asana, Pranayama, Mantra and Mudra to engage with these vital centers so as to improve overall quality of life.

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