The Sat Vaidika Darsana-s or the six philosophical schools as they were more commonly known, evolved in ancient India during a period which many consider as the Golden Era of Spirituality. The context and challenges that society faced at that time would have deemed such a revolution essential. Almost all of the great schools of wisdom originated at this time, and has not only been a great source of wisdom for generations through time, but also has been a great source of inspiration for other teachings that evolved later in other parts of the world.

The Yogasutra-s of Patanjali belongs to this collection of extra-ordinary teachings, and is presented through a series of 195 aphorisms. 

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Nine Reasons to Love Mantra-s

Nine Reasons to Love Mantra-s

Among all of the tools that Yoga has to offer, one of the most intriguing among them is Mantra-s. Through the history of the Vedic culture and the Yogic tradition, Mantra-s have always played a very significant role in the path of personal transformation and spiritual liberation. Hence an aura of reverence and dignity always surrounds it, even to the present day. 

Yet, in its journey from antiquity to modernity, for various reasons known and unknown, it has become limited in its scope and hence in practice. However, in recent times there seems to a renaissance in the openness people have towards its practice, prompting many to seek ways to begin their own personal journey with Mantra-s. 

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