Venue | Guangzhou & Beijing, China
21 - 25 September 2016 | Guangzhou
28 September - 02 October | Beijing
Krishnamacharya’s Yoga tradition emphasizes the concept of self empowerment and personal expression in the journey of wellbeing, healing and transformation. This is mainly because each of us human beings are uniquely different, and also constantly changing all the time. And no one knows better about us, than ourselves. This becomes a key concept in the understanding and practice of yoga as a uniquely personal process.
Yoga advocates that we evaluate constantly our reference points in our life, and judge our needs and capabilities at each instant, so that we can more accurately implement yoga practices to enhance our overall sense of well being and consequently our quality of life. This is mainly because our perception of quality of life is also a subjective concept, with a wide range of factors influencing it dynamically as we go through the different stages of our life.
This is the reason why many of the yogic texts and its great masters laid great emphasis on personalizing the tools of yoga such as asana, pranayama and dhyanam, so that its effectivity is enhanced and made relevant to one and all.
The great yogi Krishnamacharya, was one of the rare contemporary masters who not only created a renaissance of this idea, but also offered profoundly practical tools and frameworks of how these can be implemented. Thanks to his teaching, which is now carried on by his son TKV Desikachar and grandson Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, the self empowering aspect of practice, is inspiring many people to seek this tradition of classical Yoga.
This inspiring seminar, taught by Dr. Kausthub Desikachar, the grandson of Yogacarya T Krishnamacharya will present the core principles and frameworks within which every individual can evolve their personal practice. The seminar will include theoretical presentations, profound practices and interactive sessions.
It will be open to all, and will be particularly suitable for those who wish to journey to the core of yoga’s philosophical roots, and its practical implementation in daily practice. It will also be invaluable to those who are considering to delve into the authentic teachings of Yogacarya T Krishnamacharya.